His Mermaid

He never moved, he just stood at the open door and watched attentively.  Most women would find him handsome, although his features were harsh and his rugged life had been etched into his face over the years by the sun, sand and wind.

A small bit of gold shone through the dark blue sky.  Morning was coming.  The water parted for her as she plunged into the long, large pool.  She pulled herself forward, her strong back and shoulders working hard, as though there was not a moment to loose.

He loved this woman and she had loved the water.  He would have built a pond, a pool, or moved an ocean to keep her near.  They both knew there were dominating forces they could not win over, so they transformed the desert to suit them both.

Every morning he carefully guarded her as she took pleasure in her swim.  Two cups of coffee sat on the table waiting.

Every woman should have a man to care for her; turn her surroundings into pools, waterfalls or maybe a lagoon.

Desert Springs Pools and Spas will create a  place for you and your loved one to share forever together.

Call Palapa Depot now at 702 432-1986 to enjoy your Palapa all summer.

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The Spy Who Came Out of the Sun

Her barely covered body revealed well cared for skin, creamy, showing only the lightest touch of beige from small doses of sunlight; the hair moved slightly with the stirring of the breeze. Her age was difficult to determine, perhaps somewhere between 20 and 45 years.  The large sunglasses hid her eyes well, but afforded her the luxury of observing everyone else.  At first glance, there was no sign of makeup and just a hint of lip gloss, but one can never be sure.  She was expertly manicured and pedicured without a drop of polish on her nails.  Jewelry did not decorate any part of her body.

She sat beneath the palapa, a perfect adornment for the structure that housed her.  Both formations were an untamed work of art usually found in a man’s dreams of paradise.

The pool and adjoining beaches were covered with palapas, giving the guests a place to rest after a swim or playful romp in the bright sun.  But she was not here to play, this was a job; she must find the man she was sent to follow.  He was here and she could not move until she found her target.  Others might think this was a great stroke of luck to have found a palapa to recline beneath; but she was a clever girl and would not have stayed anywhere without checking to be sure her beauty and anonymity were well protected.

As he rose from the water, the force of gravity compelled each droplet to caressingly slide down his body and fall to the ground.  Shaking the water from his head, the soft waves of hair framed his face and his smile moved from his lips to his eyes.  His love of this paradise island was well known.  He was intimidated by nothing; certainly not a beautiful woman.  He would not hide but he would watch her as she watched him.  He sat in the palapa next to hers.  She removed her glasses and their eyes met.  She had no way of knowing that he had been informed of her arrival.  Her picture was not a good likeness, but it provided him some help.  As they sat beneath their palapas, he hoped she would kidnap him so they could spend some quality time together.

Your life can include a hide and seek game, as well.  Have Palapa Depot build two palapas, one for you and one for your target.

Call Palapa Depot now at 702 432-1986 to enjoy your Palapa all summer.

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Secret Room

We all have a room; maybe more than one, that we believe is hidden from the world.  It is a place where we cleanse our bodies to make us acceptable to society; perhaps to make us more beautiful;  to maintain our health; and most needed to us all, a  place to complete our normal bodily functions.

Once this utilitarian, closet size room was so disgusting it was placed outdoors and ignored.  When the smell became so terrible, it was moved to another location. Our attitude about our bodily functions often leads us to treat our bathroom like a storage room. We experience feelings of disgust whenever we must sanitize it as a matter of necessity.

The reality is everyone sees that room. How many guests, family members, visitors of all descriptions ask directions to your bathroom?  What are these people thinking while they occupy your facilities?

Granite Transformations can take the horror chamber you call a powder room and create a delightful place to spend some time. The bathroom remodeling includes new countertops, backsplash, shower walls and bathtub conversions, as well as new sinks, faucets, bathtubs and decorative decor. To provide complete services for your project they are also a licensed and bonded plumbing company.

You will find yourself asking if your guests would like to visit the most beautiful room in the house, instead of cringing whenever the need arises and it always does.

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Bringing Quality to Life

VegasInfo.Biz enjoys presenting the products that enhance, repair, replace, restore and return your home and its settings to its most beautiful state.  We want you to come home to a place where you delight in your surroundings.

But, we are not unaware of the simple facts of daily life and its priorities or difficulties.  So we encourage you to plan carefully and research thoroughly before you make choices.  One way is to call the Nevada State Contractors Board at 702 486-1100 to see if they have a contractor’s license and if they are engaged in any litigation.

Meanwhile, until we can fulfill all our remodeling dreams, it is possible to live in clean and comfortable conditions regardless of our present circumstances.  Now is the time for weeding our yards; sweeping our sidewalks and keeping trash picked up.  A bucket or pan filled with water and soap; some rags; a broom; coupled with elbow grease and pride in our work, will help us on the way to a beautiful home.  Set a good example, if a home next to yours is vacant, pick up the trash and sweep their sidewalk, as well.  We can be good neighbors.  Let’s show others that all Americans are simple, good, honest and responsible people.

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But it’s a Dry Heat

When someone complains that it’s scorching outside, you will undoubtedly hear, “Yeah, but it’s a dry heat.”  But we all know that 113’ is really hot! You have made a brave choice to live in the middle of a desert.

Those of us who are knowledgeable have learned to adapt to this harsh location.  We have installed large air conditioning units; shaded all our windows; planted shade trees, which are not really part of our natural setting; purchased sunscreen and lots of fluid for drinking.

We knew that our desert was flat and featureless, so we used our advanced skills and strategies to help the visitor steer through such terrain.  Las Vegan’s built great recognizable buildings with bright lights to guide the inexperienced travelers, who would otherwise perish wandering in the desolate wasteland.

Permanent settlement in the desert requires you to make hard choices.  We wish only to assist you in providing for the comfort of your family and to help you adapt to this unfriendly and often unpleasant climate. Desert Springs Pools and Spas can offer you a simple solution to those shocking temperatures.  Get a swimming pool. It will comfort the soul, revive the body and refresh the skin.

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Living Gracefully?

Living gracefully requires confidence, self-reliance and decisiveness.

Decorating, repairing or replacing items in your home should require the use of your senses, when deciding color, shape or texture, but you need to combine these senses with logic and purpose.  Ask yourself why are you changing an item?  Will my choice make my family comfortable?  Is the item useful and does it have the ability to withstand the energy of a family?

Paying attention to the needs of a busy family will allow you to make the very best choices for them.  Do your research into the company known as Granite Transformations.  These experts will guide you and help you make the right choice.

Once you are able to prepare your own flavorful meals, without the fear of damaging your kitchen counters, you will rely more and more on fresh ingredients rather than on pre-packaged food loaded with preservatives, and your family’s health will improve.   As you and your children share in the slicing, dicing and measuring of  ingredients, they will be reading, doing math and learning basic survival skills for when they leave home.  You will find it both fun and calming, because you no longer need to worry about the scratches.

There is nothing more graceful than a family dining together.  Share the pleasures you have enjoyed in life with your own family.

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Increase Your Happiness

Flee, run and hide.  It is another day, another 8 or 10 or 12 hours to drag your body and mind through it all again. All you want is to avoid, evade, elude, and get away.  Just seeing the dirty gray floors and dingy white walls every day is enough to push someone over the edge.

Perhaps you don’t really wish to escape civilization. Maybe you simply need to make the best of your life as it unfolds.   Most of us who need to combine the seriousness of daily existence with the happiness of living each day to the fullest, find ourselves looking for something  innovative, creative, eye-catching and mood altering.

To increase your sense of happiness at home or work, what would you do?  Would you think of Metallic Epoxy Flooring by New Crete?  You should, it is durable, resists oil, dirt, grease and other contaminants.  It can be used in laundry rooms, basements, shop floors, garages, hangars, restaurants and bars, and showrooms. So many choices of colors all created to brighten even the most mundane work area.

Imagine tomorrow.  The space is completely redone from a dull and boring peeling gray to surfaces of many different colors that have energy and life such as galaxy blue, merlot, cappuccino, or autumn blaze.  A place for music, smiling, friendly chatter and most certainly a place to let yourself really live!

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Waiting for the Sun

The winter wind is a harsh, cruel element which causes us to cower and fear for our very lives as it whips and screams through the trees; batters our doors; and shakes our windows.   I stand here in the comfort of my warm home and hear it growling and challenging me to come outdoors.   I hear it say, “Embrace the cold.  It is not the bitter existence you imagine.  You can ski, ice skate and sled.“  I shake my head no.  I have other plans and I will wait until the sun finds its way through the hazy clouds.

I can see the place in the yard for my palapa.  On the first warm summer day, when it is built, I will take my place within its structure with a fruit basket at my side, a very large and unconventional book to rest on my chest.  Some water and perhaps some juice, for this will be my place of  contemplation and inspiration.

At first light I will put on my shorts and sandals and make my way to the  palapa, where I will read and eat a light fruit and water breakfast.  Most likely, I will nap between ideas.

As the sun draws high in the sky, a quick dip in and out of the pool to refresh my mind and then back to the deliberation of theories, along with more fruit and some juice.

The sun is so warm and the palapa provides shade while the soft breeze touches my skin.

Perhaps an afternoon nap to clear the mind.

As the sun begins to retire for the evening,  I smell the barbecue and hear the clinking of ice in glasses.  It is time to leave my beloved palapa and share my discoveries of this day with the family.

This dream will take me through my cold, winter days.  Nothing but the warmth of the sun and the shade of my palapa will get me outdoors.

Call Palapa Depot now at 702 432-1986 to enjoy your Palapa all summer.

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Healing Waters

I stretch one arm out and then in synchronization the other arm takes its turn.  There is no conscious thought of the movement, only the feeling of soft angel’s wings passing over my body as I move through the water.  I have left the severity of the world’s problems and the seriousness of my own to be in harmony with my surroundings.

Water is your friend.  You don’t have to fight with water, just share the same spirit as the water and it will help you move.” Aleksander  Popov

Tension, anxiety apprehension, conflict, hostility, and opposition find us.  There are no hiding places from these things, but with effortless ease a small body of water will refresh your body, mind and spirit.  Feel the caressing, loving liquid surround your aching muscles.  The warm breeze blowing those dreadful thoughts and memories into the blue liquid where they drown and disappear.  Suddenly and without warning the birds sing; the clouds turn pink; and we smile again.

Who knew the cure for the 21st Century’s curse could be solved in the swimming pool?

Call the healer, Desert Springs Pools & Spas 702 452-5900.

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Remodeling Ideas

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There was a time when our houses were not simply an investment of money to be sold later at a profit.  They were our homes.  A place where memories were created and survived, filling the generations that lived in that home, with warmth and security.  Babies were born in the home where they were loved and held by parents and siblings and cherished by grandparents.  These grandparents spent their final years in the comfort of that home surrounded by the generations that followed.
Sometimes we share our home with loved ones.  This becomes the place where they overcome the hardships of life and enjoy the kindness that family provides.
This house, if it is cared for, will in turn, shelter your loved ones and provide a sanctuary for them.
In the VegasInfo.Biz website you will find detailed information about the products and services that will help you care for, update and repair your family’s most treasured possession, your home.

We ask you to feel free to contact us at any time.
We look forward to serving you.

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